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The best thing for your child is to make certain that the school and other places he goes have a zero tolerance for bullying behavior. That is because your child cannot change quickly enough for the bullies to stop, so removal from an environment where bullying can occur is a valid action. That way, your child does not have a constant fight or flight situation on his hands.

Then, make sure that your child has all the age appropriate physical skills, including being able to dribble a ball, throw and catch a ball and run. Apparently there is a way that kids walk who are not "physical" that alerts bullies to the child--much like animals seek out their prey. Often the kids who are bullied are exceptionally bright, verbal and insightful, so that can be threatening to those who do not feel good about themselves. Your child is okay the way he is.

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Q: What do you look for to cut down on your child being the victim of bullying and marginalization?
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What are some good preventions to stop child bullying?

Good preventions for stopping child bullying would be to address the problem directly, by speaking with the parent of the bullying child or by going to a school administration (if the victim or victims were bullied on school grounds).

What are some observable behavior of a child who experience bullying?

crying, being quiet, and bullying other people.

What can you do to ensure your kid is not a victim of bullying and not marginalized?

There's no guaranteed way to ensure that your child won't become a victim to bullying at some time or another. But you CAN teach them practical ways of dealing with it, teach them to stand up for themselves. Make sure the relationship you have with your child is comfortable enough for them to feel safe with talking with you. Hope this helped (: -HayleyHypnotiq ;D

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If someone is bullying an Autistic classmate then they should be reported to the school. The school should have methods in place to stop bullying and protect the victim of bullying. If you are the parent of the Autistic child you should also inform the bullies parents and demand they take action.

What is the main cause of bullying?

The child who is being bullied is normally weak or an outsider.

What is worse physical or verbal bullying?

Physical and verbal bullying are both major problems. physical bullying can lead to many problems with health and emotions. verbal bullying can be just as big a toll. if you, your child, or your friend is being bullied, then talk to a teacher, principal or counselor. These people can help find solutions to the bullying problem. Good luck!

Why Bullying is common in school?

Because it is the easiest place to shoot down a child's self esteem in front of other people (mostly to embarrass the bully's victim.

What was lady gaga bullying like?

she was bullied as a child for being different everybody thought of her as werid.

How would you handle a student being bullied?

First of all, do not blame the victim. There should be zero tolerance for bullying behavior. Both sets of parents should be notified about their child. Avoid further victimizing of the child, which means that mediation and proof of bullying should not have to be provided to parents of the bully with the victim present. Both kids could use counseling, preferably on a private level, to learn about the issue. In the past, parents of a bully were confronted and the bully punished, but these days it is seen as a behavior that requires counseling and remediation.

How does cyberbullying affect the victim's family?

in most cases the parents of a cyber bullied child will not know about it until told by the child or a teacher or someone else involved, this is because the child in question is most likely more technologically able than their parents and either can hide the cyber bullying (from shame/with the intent to carry on 'normally' as if nothing is happening) or has their own personal interface from which they're being bullied, which is not monitored by the parents. this makes the victims family feel incredibly helpless and frustrated, and on top of which, unable to do anything to help their child because many families don't know where to turn when a younger member is being cyber bullied. an example of this would be when my sister was being cyber bullied my dad's idea to help her was to "ring facebook and complain".

What bullying involves?

there are six types of bullying and they all go against some one. for physical there are marks on a child. for verbal the child may have a low self esteem. the rest are hurting the self esteem. talk to your child about bullying and stop bullying.

How is bullying related to child expression?

child expression is related to bullying as the child shows his expression by trobuling his youngers and he is expressing his feelings and that is a bad thing