

What do you tell people when you leave a narcissist?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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That it didn't work out. The rest is none of their business.

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Q: What do you tell people when you leave a narcissist?
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A - How do you know they are narcissist? B - Why do you assume that the friend doesn't already know? C - Why do you think they might want to know? D - Is it any of your concern? If you can satisfactorily (and honestly) answer those questions then yes, tell the friend, otherwise leave the matter lie.

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Sometimes not at first because a narcissist likes drama and likes to be around special people in order to feel special vicariously. But if and when she becomes too much for him to deal with he will leave. A narcissist really needs submissive women. Women they can dominate and control and get "Narcissistic supply" heart they are insecure cowards!

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I think this sums it up nicely ...

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Leave, then empty the bank.

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It's not best to tell him after a while so be straight and tell him

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leave and/or abuse you and blame you.