

What do you use to measure pH level?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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An indicator of some sort

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Q: What do you use to measure pH level?
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How do you measure pH without a pH meter?

We can use a pH paper.

How can you find out if there is chlorine in water?

measure the pH level

What instrument is used to measure a waters pH level?

This instrument is called pH-meter.

What is the pH level of a white potato?

pH is the measure of whether a solution is alkaline or acidic. Potatoes have a common pH level of about 5.0 to 5.5 this means they are pretty acidic.

The pH scale measures the?

Ph. stands for potential of hydrogen. The Ph. scale is used to measure the acidic level of a specific solution.

What does a pH level measure?

It measures the number of hydrogen ions in a substance.

Why pH meter to measure the pH of several common household. Can you use a universal indicator or pH paper to measure the pH of all the common household chemicals?

Using a pH-meter the measurement is more accurate and sure.But at home you can use a pH-paper for transparent liquids.

How do you lower or higher pH level in your water?

use potash or bicarb to raise Ph and use acid to lower pH

Is pH an absolute or a relative measure?

pH is an absolute measure which is used to get the details about both acid and base level of any liquid products. It is an absolute measure because the scale never changes.

What is the suitable pH level in soaps for infants and babies?

The best pH level for soap the use on an infant is 7. A safe level for humans pH level of soap is anywhere from 7 to 14. This is to mainttain a safe pH level in the skin naturally.

Is pH an absolute or a relative measure explain?

pH is an absolute measure which is used to get the details about both acid and base level of any liquid products. It is an absolute measure because the scale never changes.

The measure of how acidic or basic a solution is?

The measurement for how acidic or base a solution is called pH level. The pH level is on a scale from 1-14. One being very acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being very base.