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"the most beautiful woman in the world" as a wife

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Q: What does Aphrodite promise Paris that persuades him to choose her as the winner of the beauty contest?
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Who judged a beauty contest in the Greek and Roman mythology?

Paris judged a beauty contest between the goddesses Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena.

What did the beauty contest have to do with the Trojan war?

well when aphrodite won the beauty contest over Athena and hera, in return, aphrodite gave priam Helen, and made her beautiful for him, then helens husband menelaus got angry and started the war

Who was aphrodites enemise?

Aphrodite hated Athena, Artemis and Hera. Athena, Hera and Aphrodite were in a beauty contest of sorts, and Aphrodite won. Thst, of course, is the short version of it.

Who was jealous of Aphrodite?

Athena and Hera were jealous of Aphrodite because in a contest of beauty, Paris chose her and in return, the most beautiful women on Earth, Helen

Why doesn't Aphrodite like Athena?

She doesn't really dislike Athena. When Aphrodite won the beauty contest on Mt Ida, Hera and Athena were furious because they had not won. But Aphrodite was proud and happy.

Why do they say that that Trojan War was Aphrodite's fault?

There was a beauty contest between Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite. Aphrodite won and promised the prince of Troy, Paris, that she would make Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife.

Who is Aphrodite and what did she do?

Aphrodite is the god of beauty

Who kidnapped Helen from Sparta?

Prince Paris of Troy did. She had been promised to him by Aphrodite in return for his giving her the prize apple in the beauty contest on Mount Ida. So Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap Helen.

Can Aphrodite take away beauty?

Yes, as a goddess of beauty if it was abused Aphrodite could take away beauty, or give it.

Who offered Paris the most beautiful woman in the world?

Aphrodite offered Paris the most beautiful woman in the world in exchange for him choosing her to win the beauty contest.

Who is the roman goddess for love and beauty?

It is Aphrodite.

What was Aphrodite's ability?

Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty and love.