

What does B's up c's down mean?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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it meanz bloodz up cripz down

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Q: What does B's up c's down mean?
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If you have a 2.76 GPA (grade point average), you probably have mostly Cs and low Bs in your classes. It's a good idea to try to bring it up to at least 3.0, which could be achieved with mostly Bs.

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Yes, a straight 4.0 is not technically required. However, there is limited space, and it partly depends on how well other students did as well. I'm assuming that by "some Bs" you mean "mostly As with a B or two". If you mean "mostly Cs, with a few Bs" then no, you can pretty much give up on that plan right now.

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A 2.5 would be an average of Bs and Cs. To determine your GPA, let A =4, B = 3, C =2, and D=1. Add up your grades and divide by the number of classes to give you an average (your GPA).

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The air filter is probably dirty or clogged,

Does up mean down?

No, Up does not mean down. In fact, "down" is the antonym of "up"!

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Maniacs Systemize Clans. A BadAss Crew That Brings Down Fake Levas && Stupid Lil Hynas. && K.O.E. ! Emm's Up, Kay's Down !MSC is an academic designation, referring to the Masters of Science degree. Another abbreviation of the Masters of Science degree is simply "MS". The MSC degree typically follows the Bachelor of Science degree, abbreviated "BS" or "BSC".

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Well it depends most animal service workers want at least a B maybe they will allow one little C but normally they only allow Bs if your lucky Cs so keep up your grades!'

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I think you mean slow down and speed up. slow down =slow, speed up=fast

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Yes. Vertical means up (or down).

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