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It doesn't stand for anything. It is defined as "by means of."

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Q: What does VIA stands for?
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What stands for avid?

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You can look for speaker stands via the website You will find different models of speaker stands in that website together with the prices for the stands.

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What does avid stand for?

If you are talking about the class at my school it stands for Advancement Via Indiviual Determination.

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FI stands for fuel injected. The gas is injected (delivered) via fuel injectors.

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It is absolutely connected via an ISP. ISP just stands for Internet Service Provider. It can be dial-up, DSL, cable or satellite.

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Yes, Sony does make TV stands. They can range in price from $279-379. You can find different ones on their website which can be purchased online or via a phone call.

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What Roman structure stands?

Many Roman structures still stand, including, but not limited to, the Colosseum, the Appian Way (the Via Appia), Hadrain's Wall, and The Pantheon.