

What do ants eat and drink?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Bees collect pollen, make and eat honey.

Anything that can get to them: birds, bears, raccons, Spiders, ants, wasps, frogs/toads - it's a dangerous life!

For a complete list (over 20), check out Wikipedia on "European Honey Bee".

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13y ago
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6y ago

Actually bees eat honey. Why else would they make it? They also eat pollen. They pollinate by accident while they fly from flower to flower. They make honey by eating the nectar they gather then it mixes with enzymes and they regurgitate it as honey and store it.

If bees don't have enough honey stored they often will not survive winter. One way beekeepers with feed bees is with simple mix of sugar water. This is necessary when the beekeeper takes most of the bee's honey and they wont have enough to survive the winter on.

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14y ago

Bees eat pollen and nectar. They convert nectar to honey in the hives and eat this when there is no nectar around or when the weather is too bad for them to forage.

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12y ago

ants eat honey and leaves if they are leaf cutters and other tiny bugs and little crumbs and they drink well pretty much anything i think

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