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Blue dolphin pills typically contain MDMA as the main active ingredient, but they may also be cut with other substances such as caffeine, amphetamines, or other stimulants. It is important to test any substance before consuming it to know exactly what is in it.

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Q: What does a blue dolphin pill Ecstasy cut with?
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What is inside a ecstasy pill?

An ecstasy pill contains a chemical called MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine).Because ecstasy is illegal in most of the world and sold in the black market it is usually also cut with other substances.

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In general what is in a ecstasy pill?

The drug known as Ecstasy is called MDMA, but most Ecstasy pills are cut with (mixed with) different drugs, usually heroin, cocaine, ketamine (Special K), or speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines).

What are blue Buddha ecstasy pills?

i think they are blue ecstasy pills with a buddha stamp rather than a dolphin. very similar to bllue dolphins, and the fact that they are blue means they are cut with crystal meth. very strong, expect weird hallucinations.

What is in blue Rolex ecstasy pills?

Blue usually is mescaline a hallucinogen derived from peyote cacti all x is cut half with MDMA or molly so it is half mescaline and half molly

What type of drugs can be in Ecstasy?

Ecstasy pills are rarely pure Ecstasy (MDMA). They are usually cut with some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines), but they can also be cut with cocaine, ketamine (Special K), or heroin or other opiates.

What are some addictive qualities of ecstasy?

There are none. If there are,you're a completely weak minded individual with no self control, either that or the pill you're getting isn't pure and cut with other substances. This is why you test your pills.

How long will an ecstasy pill high last if its a small pill?

That really depends on your metabolism. Could be as little as an hour or as long as four hours.

What is the strongest type of Ecstacy?

There are no different 'types' of ecstasy. Ecstasy is MDMA, 3,4 methlyenedioxymethamphetamine. There are different 'brands' of pills, with different colors and shapes; however, these 'brands' change by the month, and are different everywhere. But if it doesn't have MDMA in it, it's not ecstasy.

Is there an ecstasy pill that is cut with acid?

Yeah the pink ones (cant remember there names) although its not MDMA that's in those i believe its PMA, and you can get white ones pretty sure they were called "doves" or "speckled doves"

What is ecstasy cut with?

Ecstasy is the slang word for MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine). Most ecstasy pills nowadays are laced with other chemicals so the drug dealers can make money. The most common drugs to lace Ecstasy with are MDA, MDEA, Meth, Caffeine, Speed, BZP, or DXM (main ingredient in cough syrup). Heroin or Cocaine would NOT be found in ecstasy pills because they cost more than MDMA and would be losing money.

Is there ketamine in all Ecstasy if not what pills don't have it?

No, not all Ecstasy pills have ketamine in them, although some of them do. Ecstasy (MDMA) pills are rarely pure MDMA. Usually, they are cut with some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines), but they can also be cut with cocaine, ketamine, or heroin or other opiates.Since nobody is regulating the production of Ecstasy, there are thousands of different kinds of Ecstasy, and each kind comes and goes. Someone could write a very good answer about what kinds of pills have ketamine in them, and six months later, those types of pills wouldn't even exist anymore.Furthermore, unless you buy a pill-testing kit, there is no way to really know what's in the Ecstasy you're taking. For example, someone might tell you, "the pale green pills with the smiley-faces stamped into them do not have ketamine." Even if you manage to find some Ecstasy that looks like that, it could be from a completely different batch that was cut with ketamine.