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Pray and hope it doesn't grow up being an atheist

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Q: What does a christian mother do before her baby is born?
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It is where any baby animal is within its mother: in the uterus or womb.

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In Jewish Law, the baby is Jewish because of the mother, so he can have the ritual circumcision.

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If the mother has proper medical care, it is possible that the baby can be born without HIV. The mother could not breast feed.

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Christian Mother Teresa was born into a Catholic family and remained a Catholic her entire life.

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After it is born, it get oxygen from the air and food from its mother's milk. Before it is born it get both form its mother though the placenta and umbilical cord.

What does stillborn mean?

Stillborn is a baby from 24 weeks that is born but was not alive at birth. Before 24 weeks it is called a miscarriage.A stillborn, unfortunately, is a baby that has died before birth while still in the womb, and when the baby is extracted from the mother, they call the baby a stillborn.

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Hippos are viviparous, which means the baby develops living inside the mother before they are born. They are born alive.

What usually happens if a Baby Died before getting Born from their Mother?

its called abortion ANSWER: If the baby dies in utero, it is generally miscarried.

How many pounds is a new born baby?

It depends on how big the mother was before she had the baby but the weight does not have to run in genes all of the time