

What does a coeffient tell you?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What does a coeffient tell you?
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What is the coeffient of the term -2c to the 3rd power?

The coefficient of the term -2c3 is -2

What does a coeffient in math look like?

It looks like a black book with designs on it

How do you find the numerical coeffient of a term?

Remove all the algebraic letters and their powers and what you are left with is the coefficient.

How much does copper pipe shrink?

That would depend on the temperature /pressure as the coeffient of expansion per degree

What are two factors that affect tha friction force between two surfaces?

The coeffient of friction. The force holding the 2 surfaces together.

What factors determin the the strength of the friction when two surfaces slide against each other?

the roughness of the surface(friction coeffient) and the weight of the object

Why are there laws only for gases and not for solids or liquids?

There are laws for solids and liquids, too. For instance solids have a coeffient of linear expansion and liquids (and gasses) have a viscosity. Many others.

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yes... the shape of a toy car affect wind resistance

What would be a coefficients of the expansion of the Pascal's Triangle?

its so simple.... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 ......................................... that is pascal's triangle coeffient law......just sum the two numbers and answer is yours

What two factors determine the strength of friction between the two object?

The strength of the force of friction depends on two factors: the types of surfaces involved and how hard the surfaces push together.