

What does a draftsperson do?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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16y ago

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A draftsperson produces technical drawings such as blueprints of various objects. Most drafting today is done by means of computers, using CAD (Computer Aided Design).

According to AOLstudybuddy:

Drafting is also called mechanical drawing. It is the process of representing topography, engineering works, buildings, and pieces of machinery by means of special drawings called mechanical or engineering drawings. The techniques of drafting are an important part of all types of engineering and manufacturing and are used in architecture and geology.

The basic purpose of a mechanical drawing is to show the exact shape and all details of an object. An ordinary perspective drawing gives no information about hidden details of the object. The technique of conventional drafting is to use two or more projections to represent solid objects. This technique relies on ideas learned in geometry. These projections are different views of the object and are not complete in themselves, but when viewed as a collection they represent every aspect and detail of the object being represented.

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What do draftsperson mean?

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CADD Draftsperson?

form_title=CADD Draftsperson form_header=8093 Can you describe the kind of design preparation that has already been done? (check all that apply)*= [] Cutouts/photos [] Sketches [] Blueprints that need alteration [] Purchased plans that need modification [] Permits pulled [] Other "Are there any Covenants, Codes and Restrictions (CC&R) to be complied with for the development ?"*= () Yes () No () Don't Know Are any of the following areas in need of consideration? (Select all that apply)*= [] Zoning variance needed [] Environmental concerns [] Steep Slope [] Other [] Don't Know [] No How would you best describe the kind of project this is?*= () New custom home () Home addition () Home remodel () New commercial building () Tenant improvement to commercial building () Need drawings of existing building () New drawings converted to CADD software () Other

What is the difference between autocad operator job and autocad draftsman job?

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What does PE title mean?

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How much money does an architecture earn?

ANSWER 1: Other job titles for "Architectural Engineer" are, typically, "drafter" or "draftsman" or "draftsperson" or "architectural drafter" or "architectural draftsperson." My point is that architectural engineers are not the same as fully-fledged and licensed architects. It's the engineers and draftspersons who do a lot of the actual drawing, as well as the engineering and building code research which goes into an overall architectural plan.The drafter, draftsperson, or engineer works under the licensed architect. And so specialized is the job that in large architectural firms there will often be up to three (3) levels of architectural draftspersons or engineers.The salary for such jobs will always depend on the locale. A drafter in New York or San Francisco, for example, is obviously going to be paid more than one in a smaller midwestern town or city. However, the national average salary (actually, technically, the median) for a drafter, depending on level, tends to range from $35,000(US) to $55,000(US), give or take. Though it can be a lot higher (or even a bit lower), that's at least the national median.By comparison, architects are so specialized that in really large architectural firms there can be up to five (5) levels of them, with national median salaries ranging from $40,000(US) to $80,000(US). However, do not let those numbers mislead you. If the architect has blossomed-out into his/her own firm (or is one of the top architects in a huge firm where there are five levels of architects); or if s/he was won some serious awards, or has gotten some famous commissions, then there is almost no limit to what s/he may be earning... well into the six figures, no doubt... and maybe even beyond. Licensed architects, once they become kinda' famous, can become fairly wealthy.Architectural firms on very large, famous building projects often get paid as much as three percent (3%) of the overall cost of the project in architectural fees. That's usually bigmoney. On the new Freedom Tower, at "ground zero" in New York, the agreed-upon architectural fees were only around 1.5%, and that still ended-up totaling over $22 million(US) that the architectural firm (actually, there were two of them) was(were) paid. The owners (usually partners) in an architectural firm paid that kind of money usually take home not-insignificant amounts of such money. A large seven-figure income for a senior partner architect in a hugefirm like that would not be uncommon.Those kinds of numbers, though, are at the high-end extreme, across the board. A well-respected architect whose firm is medium to large; and who's plenty busy doing all manner of work in a medium-to-large city, could easily make, as a personal income, mid-to-high six-figures or low-seven-figures. Most architects, though, make less... sometimes, much less......and architectural engineers far less, even, than that. Many architectural engineers, though, move on to become fully-fledged architects (with some additional schooling, of course). Drafting, researching and engineering for a large architectural firm is an excellent training ground for future licensed architects!

What does drafts mean?

A military draft is when the govornment has the right to call men age 18 and older to military action in a time of need. This is without enrollment in the forces, but is not optional. If we were to be in need of more military personel but not enough were enrolled these men would automatically be enlisted, trained, and sent to duty. Well, yes, but the question is under "Business", not "Military History." Draft simply means to produce a document, ie., draft a letter or report. In the financial industry it also means a check. Yes, both are right. Also, draft means to draw as in draftman or draftsperson. But to draw as in producing a document. As stated above. draw as in drawing your number for a military draft. Wheew! And then there's a draft as in a breeze. Like: I feel a draft in the room. a selection of persons for required military service. Draft has several meaning, it might mean: - Compulsory military service (still happens in a lot of countries right now) - A preliminary version of a document (He wrote the first draft of this resume) - In the banking world, a bank draft is a paper that the bank gives you that is equivalent to cash.