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Same as an adult womans.

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Q: What does a normal teenage vagina look like?
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What does a 15 year old girls vagina look like?

like a normal one. It usually has dark pubic hair on it unless you shave.

How does teenage vulva look like?

Like a peach.

Why do some teenage girls make themselves look like slappers?

Some teenage girls make themselves look like slappers for different reason. For most of these teenage girls it is as a result of peer pressure and trying to fit in.

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What do guys like a vagina to look like?

They dont care, because they all look great.

Do teenage guys prefer the emo or scene look as opposed to preppy or normal?

all depends on what the guy like in a girl some guys will be into the whole emo/scene look (like me) however other guys will write the girl off because of it

How do the vagina look after the baby is out?

Directly after the baby is delivered it is stretched out but it returns to normal shape in a short while.

What Justin Bebiers penis look like?

looks like a vagina with a twist

What does your vagina feel and looks like from inside your body?

it look like your face

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Why are you a simp? Why do you want know?

How can a guy make it look like he has a vagina and breast?


What does a 60 year old vagina look like?

Like a wrinkly prune with a slit :)