

Best Answer

Layman: Blood poisoning. Call 911 or see an emergency room ASAP as it will kill you. It's cause almost certainly not from the reaction itself, but the ensuing response... Open/scratched flesh, boils, or even perhaps edema. (Just go to the doctor now, period.)

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Q: What does a red line running from an allergic reaction site mean?
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What does it mean when your legs burn?

Perhaps there is an allergic reaction occurring from something that is on the legs.

What does anaphylatic mean?

Comes from Anphylaxis, serious allergic reaction. Just specifies type of shock.

What does hyperallergenic mean?

well the prefix, hyper, means over or excessive and allergenic is to be allergic to some thing so hyper allergenic is to be allergic to almost everything or most things or for something to cause an allergic reaction.

What does having circles on your tongue mean?

It could be a disease or an allergic reaction. See your doctor if the issue gets worse.

What does it mean if you feel normal but people keep telling you that you're burning up all over and when you touch your own skin you can feel that it is almost too hot to touch?

You are either running a fever or having an adverse (allergic) reaction to something.

What does the reaction mean?

A reaction is an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event. For example, my reaction to my university acceptance letter was extremely happy and excited. Or, my reaction to eating peanuts was a rash and hives, since I am allergic.

Can you be allergic to apples?

No, no its not. What you might be allergic to is the pesticides used on the apples, OR You can have a very sensitve pollen allergy. Which doesn't mean you're automatically allergic to all kinds of apples. You might not be able to eat red delicious but golden might be ok. It's different for different people.

What does the word reaction mean?

A reaction is an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event. For example, my reaction to my university acceptance letter was extremely happy and excited. Or, my reaction to eating peanuts was a rash and hives, since I am allergic.

Can a severe swelling reaction to a first bee sting mean the child is allergic benadryl did not bring the swelling down at all?

It is an allergic reaction. If in the event a child begins to swell after a sting and allergy relief medications (antihistamines) do not bring it down any-phone for an ambulance.

If your skin itches and it is red what does this mean?

allergic reaction, fell in stinging nettles, rash, havent washed soap off your skin.

What happens in you have a bad reaction to mushrooms that grow under cow manure?

depends on what you mean by bad reaction. If it is a bad trip, well, that's gonna be one long ride for you. If it is a bad reaction as in allergic reaction, immediately seek the nearest hospital.

Can someone with a shellfish allergy have a thyroid scan?

The reason why shellfish allergy is asked is because of the link between shellfish allergy and iodine allergy (shellfish are rich in iodine). That does not mean that if your allergic to shellfish then you are allergic to iodine - you may be allergic to another component that is in the shellfish. Iodine is used in the thyroid scan as a dye and is injected into your veins. If you are allergic then the reaction would be quite quick and potentially serious. Asking about a shellfish allergy is to try to risk stratify those that may be more susceptible for a reaction and "prepare" the technician / radiologist for the worse case scenario. The main allergic reaction we would be worried about would be true anaphylaxis (if you've not heard of this then you probably not had it). Rashes and facial swelling would indicate a allergic reaction. Sickness, diarrhea and feeling "off" would suggest an intolerance rather than a true allergic reaction. Happy New Year! El Tango