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"That's going to hurt"

In basic context, it means "I am very bad".

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12y ago

I am doing poorly.

If you change Mal to Bien it means I am doing well.

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8y ago

"It's going badly".

However, "bien" means good/well, and "mal" means bad/ill.

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How do answer comment va la vie in french?

If you mean as a general question..... ca va bien [sah vah bee-en] if it is good ca va mal [sah vah mal] if it is not good If you mean as in a cultural study, the answer would take too long to write here. : )

What do you mean by ca va bien?

"Ça va bien." = "I'm fine." "Ça va bien ?" = "Are you OK?"

C' va bien meaning in English?

'ca VA bien' means 'everything's fine / it's OK' in French

How do answer in French - how are you?

When someone asks you how you are in French, or Comment ca va?, you can answer with a variety of answers. Some of the more basic answers follow:Bien (Good)Tres Bien (Very Good)Comme Ci Comme Ca (So-So)Mal (Bad)Tres Mal (Very Bad)

What does ca va bien mean English?

It literally means "It is going well". The most common usage is in response to ca va? which means how are you?if you are answering the question comment ca va? it means i am well but otherwise it means it is good.Ca va bien, merci means "It's going well, thank you".ça va bien - it's OK or if it's a question - ça va bien? - is everything OK?

What does Ca va tres mal mean?

It's going very badly.

How do you say im ok in french?

Cava bien - im okay Pronounced Saa-Vaa Bee-annJe suis ok

What does tres bien merci et toi mean in English?

It means 'very well thank you, and you ?'. This is the standard reply when a friend asks 'Comment ca va ?' (how goes it?)

How do you answer comment ca va in french?

ca va bien merciJe vais très bien, merci. (Very well, I'm fine, thank you)ça va bien (I am fine)ça va mal. (I am not fine)Oh! Comme ci, comme ça. (So-so)Oh! Pas trop bien (Not too great)Je suis assez fatigué(e) (I'm rather tired)Je suis un peu malade (I'm a little sick)Pas mal (not bad)Super (super)Formidable (fantastic)

How do you answer ca va?


Como ca va?

Ca VA bien

Tout ca VA bien?

Oui, tout va bien. Tout ca s'est bien arregle. On n'a plus d'ennuis. Et vous?