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It means that a gas condenses, it becomes a liquid again. It typically does this as it cools down. The condensation forms on surfaces or particles. Rain is condensation that has formed around dust particles.

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Q: What does condensation forms mean?
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What forms during condensation?

a gas

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How how do you use condensation in a sentence?

Condensation of the gas forms the water droplets. Here condensation is defined as the cooling of gas.

What does condensation in the water cycle mean?

Condensation is the process by which water vapor, as a gas, condenses into liquid water. This is the basis for clouds forming and various forms of precipitation such as rain, sleet, snow, etc.

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Condensation is the process by which water vapor, as a gas, condenses into liquid water. This is the basis for clouds forming and various forms of precipitation such as rain, sleet, snow, etc.

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