

What does extraneous variable mean?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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extraneous variable can be defined as any variable other than the independent variable that could cause a change in the dependent variable. In our study we might realize that age could play a role in our outcome, as could family history, education of parents or partner, interest in the class topic, or even time of day, preference for the instructor's teaching style or personality. The list, unfortunately, could be quite long and must be dealt with in order to increase the probability of reaching valid and reliable results.

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Extraneous variable a.k.a. Confounding vaiable is a variable that affects an independent variable n also afects a dependent variable at d same time confounding relatnship btn the independent and dependent variable. Mediating variable a.k.a. Intervening variable, it is a variable forming a link btn two variables that are causualy conected.

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when you solve a questiom, you get an answer. If you chect your answer by substituting the value of the variable in the question and you don't get L.H.S and R.H.S equal then your answer is called extraneous solution.

The variable not related to the purpose of th study but may affect the dependent variable are termed as extraneous variable true or false?

False: they are called exogenous.

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Variables that may affect the results of an experiment are described by the umbrella term "extraneous variable". extraneous variables that actually affect the result without experimenter knowledge is called a confounding variables eg. if the experimenter is testing verbal recall performance, hair color is not going to effect the results. hair color is an extraneous variable, but not compound. but whether or not a subject had a good nights sleep can have a huge effect on the ability to remember words. therefore sleep is a compound variable.

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The answer is /

In an experiment f is the control variable g is the response variable and h and k are extraneous factors. The specific units of are referred to as the treatments of the experiment.?


In an experiment h is the control variable k is the response variable and l and m are extraneous factors. The specific units of are referred to as the treatments of the experiment?


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Participant Variables: These extraneous variables are related to individual characteristics of each participant that may impact how he or she responds. These factors can include background differences, mood, anxiety, intelligence, awareness and other characteristics that are unique to each person.