

What does gb kb MB mean?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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15y ago

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To understand this first you need to know what a byte is. A byte is a set of 8 electrical circuits that can be off or on. There are 256 possible combinations of off and on circuits in a byte which correspond with the 256 ASCII code set(Kind of a more advanced version of Morse Code). Each byte then is one letter or number or other special code such as tab or enter or escape or etc ...

Kb stands for Kilo byte meaning 1 thousand bytes

Mb stands for Mega byte meaning 1 million bytes

GB stands for Giga byte meaning 1 billion bytes

Tb st

ands for Tera byte meaning 1 trillion bytes

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Units of computer memory or computer storage. Byte (capital B) comprises 8 bits (lower b). Multiples are kilo (lower k) considered for practical terms as 1 000 or 103; Mega (capital M) for 1 million or 106; Giga (capital G) for 1 billion (billion under International System of Units ISU) or 109; Tera (capital T) for 1 trillion or 1012 and so on. Practical terms above means the most common conversion used, which is in accordance with the 1998 approved rules by the International Electrotechnical Commission. Computer units actually are in powers of 2 (binary system) and to avoid confusion (or to increase them all) the same rules above mentioned determined the following new prefixes for computer units: Kilo = Ki = 210 = 1024 Mega = Mi = 220 = 10242 = 1 048 576 Giga = Gi = 230 = 10243 = 1 073 741 824 Tera = Ti = 240 = 10244 = 1 099 511 627 776 and so on Given that, 2 megabytes should be 2MB equivalent to 2 000 000 bytes in the metric system or 2MiB equivalent 2 097 152 bytes in the binary system. Currently there is a mix of the two notations and it will take time until everyone gets used to it, or perhaps never. How many different pounds exist? Almost a dozen. Now, for a proper metric prefix we should use kb for kilobit, kB for kilobyte, Mb for megabit, MBfor megabyte etc.. We normally do not pay much attention to that because the understanding flows in the context. The metric prefixes are: yotta- (Y-) 1024 1 septillion zetta- (Z-) 1021 1 sextillion exa- (E-) 1018 1 quintillion peta- (P-) 1015 1 quadrillion tera- (T-) 1012 1 trillion giga- (G-) 109 1 billion mega- (M-) 106 1 million kilo- (k-) 103 1 thousand hecto- (h-) 102 1 hundred deka- (da-)** 10 1 ten deci- (d-) 10-1 1 tenth centi- (c-) 10-2 1 hundredth milli- (m-) 10-3 1 thousandth micro- (µ-) 10-6 1 millionth nano- (n-) 10-9 1 billionth pico- (p-) 10-12 1 trillionth femto- (f-) 10-15 1 quadrillionth atto- (a-) 10-18 1 quintillionth zepto- (z-) 10-21 1 sextillionth yocto- (y-) 10-24 1 septillionth The Angstrom 10-10 ( Å ) is an exception in the ISU, put here only because of its common usage in physics.

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Usually when the b is lowercase it refers to "bits". When it is uppercase, it usually refers to "bytes".

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