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An open relationship is often when the person is proud of their partner or that it is not a secret that they r together and that they perform acts of love i.e. kissing in public.

Well the above is completely wrong. an "open" relationship is where you are seeing sombody, but at the same time you are both allowed to see other people. Hence it is an "open" relationship.

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Q: What does in an open-relationship mean for your relationship status on facebook?
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What does. relationship status mean?

a relationship status is like;; what your relationship is... are you married divorced single complicated relationship in a relationship these are all status's of which you can be in a relationship (: hope that helped and wasn't too confusing :/ If you have facebook.. or a social net work site. You relationship status is if you are in a relationship or not.

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rather hes in a relationship and is just a flirt, or hes single and just hasn't changed it since his last relationship :) good luck!

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- LTS: Like this status .

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dont you mean Lms ? -Lms = Like my status :)

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Depending on the status, she may just be curious to know who it was about.

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if you mean on facebook, just go to your profile, go to the info bar, press edit, and look to the left where it says relationships, and press it, then at the very top it should be where it says what your relationship status is.

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Facebook status, populary known as Facebook update, is one of the features of Facebook which allows user to post short messages for all their friends. In turn, readers can comment or press the "like" button to show that they enjoyed or concur to it.

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it could mean that they are hungry and like kiwi