

What does interpretation of data mean?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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How can data be interpreted?

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Q: What does interpretation of data mean?
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interpretation means interpreating the data based on the given data... eg..1 2 4 8__ here next data is 16... this is what an interpretation is..

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What does data mean in science terms?

Data is unprocessed...stuff. In other words, the raw facts and no interpretation or anything. Information is processed data.

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"Data" are the facts you collect from your experiment, while "results" are your interpretation of what the data mean.


interpretation of data

What does data vary mean?

It means that the 'data' (i.e.: information or statistics) that is given or quoted, is subject to more than one interpretation, or that sources of the data give varying information for the same subject.

Interpretation of data?

Involves explaining the meaning or significance of data gathered.

How do graphs help you to interpret data?

They give a visual interpretation of the data.

Steps in statistical investigation?

# Collection of Data # Processing # Presentation # Analysis of Data # Interpretation of Data

What is numercial data?

Numerical data is more on numbers. These numbers are the basis of the interpretation.

What is the interpretation if the results in mean and median are the same?

The data would be approximately evenly distributed about and below the mean. This suggests a normal distribution, although there are other criteria involved in that.

What do you mean by Statistics?

The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling.Read more: statistics