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This is perfectly normal. It is caused by the hormones during pregnancy

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Q: What does it mean if you are a teenager and you vomit during pregnancy?
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Does it mean your pregnant if your throwing up from an onion?

Pregnancy can make you more prone to vomit but most people who vomit are not pregnant. If you have any doubt then you should just take a pregnancy test.

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morning sickness is a symptom of pregnancy, but it would be good to check this theory with a pregnancy test

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you can have a small belly during pregnancy that might mean you will have a small baby

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It means a teenager who already has a baby, so they are not pregnant unless they became pregnant again.

Does vomit mean vomit in Australian?

Yes it does

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It means that the baby is facing the mothers pelvis during pregnancy or labor.

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It does not neccessarily mean you're pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test, and if that's negative, you should go and see the doctor

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Can you take vit tablet during 6th week of pregnancy?

You mean vitamins? There are prenatal vitamins you should take during pregnancy. Speak to your doctor.

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No it doesn't necessarily mean you will miscarry but all bleeding during pregnancy needs to be evaluated by a doctor.

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brown vomit? you ate to many turds