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It's very normal to 'drop a rose' at least once or twice a day, but if it's chronic (happening all the time) you should see your doctor. These are a few reasons why: * Something you ate that disagrees with you. * If you eat gassy foods such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, beans, etc., then be prepared to 'drop the big rose!' * Ulcers * Smoking (can cause stomach upset and lead to bloating and too much air) * Eating too fast and gulping air while you eat * Poor eating habits * Stress * Lack of enough Enzymes * Some medications have the side effect causing 'passing of gas.' * You have build up an emotional tension( of affection for somebody) and ask that person to pull your finger so you may be able to release the tension inside by pass a gas ( only applies if a person is asking to pull his/her finger) The above are a few reasons and many people have been embarrassed by passing gas too often and all in the wrong places such as work, crowds, standing at a cashier's machine, etc. We've all had those embarrassing moments. First see your doctors and discuss it with him/her. You will probably have a couple of x-rays to scans done on your stomach and intestinal tract to be sure all is well. You can take more Enzymes if that is what is needed, and there is medications for ulcers and other digestive problems.

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