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<p>Mulch, as in all shreddy, like peat moss?<p>

Most likely it just means you have a high-fiber diet, which is good for you. If you take fiber supplements, psyllium fiber (aka metamucil), or eat a lot of vegetable matter (brown rice can do this) then you will typically have looser stools than a meat-and-potatoes only eater.

"always consult with a physician" blah blah blah, but basically if you're OK this just means you're eating right, your body may take some time to adjust, or you may have looseish stools (but not diarrhea) all the time.

Washing all that bad cholesterol away.

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Q: What does it mean if your stools look like mulch?
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Mulch you mean. They get you furniniture, rooms and pets for your nest!

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How should I know? Go ask someone else.

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If you have blackish green stools you really need to see a doctor. It may just be something you have eaten, or it may be serious, black stools can indicate bleeding in your digestive system, (it can also be from taking vitamins with iron) it is certainly nothing to do with being pregnant.

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unformed stools mean you are either eating too much fiber or u r suffering from constipation or diahorrea. go and see ur doctor.