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To throw in the towel, an image from the sport of boxing, means to give up a struggle, to quit the fight, to surrender.
The saying "to throw in the towel" means to give up on something.

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Q: What does it mean to 'throw in the towel'?
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To soon to throw the towel in?

it allways is to soon to throw in the towel. if you belive in something, you should never back down!

What is Corner Stoppage in the UFC?

Its where your "group" thinks you can't continue. Thats where the phrase "throw in the towel" comes from, because they throw in a towel when they think you can't continue

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To throw in the towel.

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What is another way of saying you give up?

throw in the towel

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too early to give up & give in

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What's another phrase for throw in the towel?

It depends what you are trying to say. It has a ton of different meanings.

What does throwing in the towel and calling it a day mean?

There is no such idiom. I think you might have two idioms confused:Throw their HAT IN THE RING - to enter a nomination and declare oneself a candidate for whatever is going onTHROW IN THE TOWEL - to quit

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CALL 999 Tell your parents (if you are a kid) DO NOT PANIC Throw a damp towel over the fire, throw water over the fire GET OUT OF THE FLAMEING HOUSE/FLAT/

Can a boxing match be legally stopped if one of the seconds throws in the towel or must the referee make the decision?

if any of the seconds throw the towel in the fight is stopped eveen if the ref thinks the fighter can go on the fight is still halted once the towel is thrown in there is no turning back the fight is halted contest is over I guess it depends on the peculiarities of the rules of the sanctioning body. however, as a "RULE" it is the ref, and only the ref who has the mandate to stop the bout. This is still applicable when the corner throws the towel. The towel is tossed in as an indication that the trainer does not think his fighter can continue therefore the ref will usually stop the bout at this point. This is not necessarily always the case however, if the ref believes that the fighter can continue, he can (and i have seen this happen first hand) have the bout continue. It is the ref's decision, just becasue the towel goes in does not mean the fight is over, the ref can either stop the fight or throw the towel back!!