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Sinus rhythm is normal.

The left axis deviation means that the electrical activity goes to the left side more than normal. This can be a normal variant, due to high blood pressure or due to other problems.

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15y ago

OK, this means quite a lot. The poor R wave progression indicates a defect e.g. death of the heart muscle (myocardial infarction) but its non specific. You would expect to see the R wave increase in amplitude across the Chest leads V1-V4, so poor progression means a less than expected increase.

Left axis deviation indicates a swing in the electrical axis in the heart. The most common cause is a left anterior hemiblock (partial block in the front left of the heart) but other causes can be MI as described above. This is confirmed by the left bundle branch block, indicated a problem in electrical conduction from the middle lower part of your heart, spreading out like a U from the bottom.

Old anterior infarct, the cardiologist reckons that you may have had an old heart attack that affected the front wall of the heart, causing scars to form.

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