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Not sure I have the answer for you, but a similar thing happened to me. I had terrible cramps 11 days into my cycle. I couldn't leave the loo. A small amount of thick red blood was produced, then that was it. It all happened in just a few hours. My period came early, on Day 20. I think it might have been something to do with my body being under more stress as I was on a diving holiday (had to lift and carry the tank and weights plus swimming lots). My doctor didn't seem worried - said just to return if my next cycle was unusual, which it wasn't.

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The brown spotting you get right after your period once in a while is just the "cleaning out" of the vagina. (old blood looks brown) its completely normal. if it occurs around 10 days after your period, this could be a sign of pregnancy.

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Q: What does it mean have dark brown bleeding on last two days of your cycle?
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Can implamation bleeding be a dark red and or brown color?

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Can you get implatation bleeding 11 days of your cycle?

No, implantation bleeding comes around the time your period is due.

What do you think if my period last for 1 to 2 days and my usual cycle is monthly or 5 days more than a month and now on second day i see dark brown blood what is the reason?

It is not unusual for a period to last for just a few days and to have a cycle that is more than 28 days per month. It is also not unusual to see dark brown blood during a period. As the menstrual cycle ends, the blood tends to be darker because it is old and being expelled more slowly. Many women have a menstrual cycle that is 35 days in length rather than 28.

How do you calculate menstral cycle?

Day 1 is the first day of bleeding. Last day is the day prior to the start of next period. Average cycle is 28 days with an average bleeding duration of 3-5 days.

How many days does the bleeding of amenstral cycle last?

Typically menstruation lasts 5-7 days, but a little longer or a little shorter is normal too. During a regular cycle you should only bleed during menstruation, but it is possible to experience a few days bleeding mid-cycle too.

How do you count 28 days of mestruation cycle?

The day you begin 'bleeding' is the first day of the menstrual. Then the days in between the next first day of bleeding is the length of the cycle, not the length of days that bleeding occurs. For instance, if you started bleeding on 1/5/08 and your next period starts on 2/1/08, you have a 28 day cycle. If you start on 1/5/08 and your necxt period starts on 2/3/08, you have a 30 day cycle. These are the most common cycles.

Your cycle is 33 days when are you likely to conceive?

Day one of the cycle is the first day of bleeding. Fourteen (14) days after the start of the cycle, ovulation occurs. That is the time at which pregnancy can take place.

Will you have brown discharge for days if you have implantation bleeding?

Yes, it very well can be implantation bleeding, it is usually lighter than a period.

When in your cycle would implantation bleeding occur?

In your cycle, implantation bleeding will likely occur several days after the egg implants. This could be anywhere from midway through your cycle, all the way up until you were supposed to start your period.

What is the length of a normal period?

5 days. Yes the bleeding lasts for 5 days and it occurs every 28 days. the 5 days is referred to as the bleeding phase and the 28 days is the average menstrual cycle.. ---------------------------------------------------------Recommend if u like this....