

Best Answer

Metal taste in your mouth could be caused by a few factors: either you are suffering a gum disease, or are undertaking medication which causes this effect or that you are lacking enough iron in your body. If it persist for more than a day, its time to see your dentist and/or your general practitioner respectively so as to get the right cause of it.

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Lewis Treutel

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1y ago
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Q: What does it means when you have a metalic taste in your mouth?
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What does it mean if you taste money in your mouth?

It means there may be a coin type taste in your mouth, that kinda tastes like metal.

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No idea, thats why i am here too. I got my metalic/onion taste since i ate a curry. I have always used this curry takeaway, but tried a house special, and since then I have had this kind of aftertaste of onion, with a kind of salivic metalic taste to it. Its a nice with certain dishes, but banana and onion, are wearing thin! so is oats in the morning :(

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it means you have a little electricity on your body or mouth

What does it mean when there is metallic taste in your mouth after you cough?

Usually means some sort of infection.

Is gypsum non-metalic or metalic?

Gypsum is a salt. This means it is composed of both metallic and nonmetallic ions.

Does cynanide poisoning cause a metalic taste in mouth?

I cannot find any verification but I had the ventilation in my car on full blast for 1 hour while driving and developed a bad headache and mild fever all night, next day had a strong metallic taste in mouth. Hope a scientist will answer this.

What causes a metalic taste?

Stop eating your own feces, that is the only cause of it. Other then than chewing on metal.

What is important about your mouth?

because you can taste with your mouth

What are the functions of the taste?

the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth. the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth. the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth.

Does a metallic taste in mouth come and go?

A metallic taste in your mouth will very likely come and go. The metallic taste most likely comes from blood in the mouth and will heal quickly.

What are the functions of budding?

the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth. the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth. the taste buds main function is to be able to know the taste of foods that enter your mouth.