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It means go ask the doctor!

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Q: What does it mean when your period is 6 days late and have dark thick blood?
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What does period blood look like?

Period blood can be light in color in the first couple days of your period, but it can also be very dark in color on heavier days.

What does it mean if you had a light period for 3 days then two days later you got light blood with thick white mucus-gel?

This may mean that you are pregnant. You need to do a pregnancy test.

What do you think if my period last for 1 to 2 days and my usual cycle is monthly or 5 days more than a month and now on second day i see dark brown blood what is the reason?

It is not unusual for a period to last for just a few days and to have a cycle that is more than 28 days per month. It is also not unusual to see dark brown blood during a period. As the menstrual cycle ends, the blood tends to be darker because it is old and being expelled more slowly. Many women have a menstrual cycle that is 35 days in length rather than 28.

How do you tell when you are having your period?

You bleed from your vagina for anywhere from 4 to 9 days. The blood can be bright red and thin, dark red and "clotted", or a cross between red and brown which is called "old blood" (that happens at the beginning and end of your period).

Why would I have brown and red spotting 11 days after your period?

The brownish spots that you are seeing is your body cleaning out all of the blood that was left inside while you were on your period. Blood drys a very dark brown so when it comes out a few days later that's all that is. So don't be too worried.

What does it mean when the blood in your period changes?

If for instance it is a day or two before your periods and you expect pinkish/reddish discharge; its normal and if it is days after your period and you experience dark red or brownish (blood) or discharge, it is probably old blood excreting your body and its also normal. It can only be something to worry about if it has a blood smell and is continuous.

What causes light bleeding during period with dark brownish red colour?

Dark, brown menstruation may be a sign that it is 'old' blood. Sometimes blood stays in the uterus for a few days before your period 'starts' could be because it is a light flow or that the cervical opening is very narrow making it difficult for the blood to exit. Light flows and dark blood could also occur because of dehydration.

When you have white liquid in your underwear how soon will you get your period?

white thick discharge is there but still no period;now 50 days . what is the reason

Period is four days late then you have a dark coloured discharge for two days followed by a really light flow period dark in colour just a late period or something else no stress or anything to cause?

You might be pregnant - take a test

How can dark chocolate help diabetics?

Dark Chocolate help control diabetes and blood pressure.eating 100g of dark chocolate each day for 15 days lowered blood pressure.

How many days does the period stay?

as much blood that comes out

Is it normal for your period to be clumpy thick and dark?

Yes, it's normal for your period to be clumpy and thick. Your period isn't just blood but also uterine cells, uterine tissue, discharge, and mucus, so on heavier days when there is more tissue present it will look thicker and mucus can also thicken up flow too. As long as you're using correct menstrual products to deal with it you're fine, and as long as there is no bad odour everything is healthy.