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This means that there is a greater liklihood of a pinched nerve at this level. The neural foramen is the hole on the side of the spine where the nerve root exits off of the spinal cord. These foramen are on both sides and exist at each level. Some kind of neck injury, strain, or poor posture could have led to this one level having built up degeneration and have narrowed it.

Pinched nerves in the neck mostly cause neck pain, headaches, or referral of symptomes into the arm or arms. An example would be ar or hand pain, arm weakness, tingling in the arm or hand, or a hand or arm that feels like it's falling asleep. This usually involves a lower cervical nerve.

If you think you suffer from this I would see your doctor or chiropractor. At home I would use a neck roll or the cervical traction pillow to help align the spine and help relieve nerve pressure. Putting the spine in its best alignment will help open the nerve holes as much as possible.

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