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I'm pretty sure the name of the song itself simply means that a lot of things in life happen for a reason, we just don't know the reason.

Okay, that isn't quite a match. But I need to explain a couple of things so you can understand what the title means.

When someone hosts a big party they always have the most important people sit closest to them, or the stage area. So they number tables in order to ensure that the correct people sit at the appropriate tables.

I'm not exactly sure if this is about a past love relationship, or some other type of relationship. However this is about the man showing that since they are no longer associating he has become more confident and important, rather than him being down and out, and now she feels inferior.

Saying that he is the new cancer is like him saying "everyone wants to know him, and knows of him, they are addicted"

It's a basic, I have shown you I'm better without you scenario.

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Q: What does panic at the disco's song title There is a good reason these tables are numbered honey you just haven't figured it out yet mean?
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