

What does spinach ice cream taste like?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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12y ago

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Frozen spinach

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Q: What does spinach ice cream taste like?
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Why does ice cream taste like ice cream?

It has sugar and milk in it

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It tastes very much like normal ice cream

What properties of spinach distinguish it from ice cream?

Spinach is a vegetable that grows from the earth, Ice Cream is made combining cream, milk, sugars, flavoring etc.

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Why do you taste Ice cream?

You have to taste a kind of ice cream and see if it is good.

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Ice milk and frozen yogurt which taste just like ice cream only better.

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Why do you have ice cream?

because ice cream taste delicious and i will feel happy after eat an ice cream

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because ice cream taste delicious and i will feel happy after eat an ice cream

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They can but they don't like it. They taste it differently from humans.

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vanilla ice cream and coke and in certain places strawberries vanilla ice cream and coke and in certain places strawberries

What does peach yogurt taste like with vanilla ice cream?

yummy. it tastes yummy.