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metamorphic rock

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Q: What does subduction mean in the rock cycle?
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Related questions

What goes first compaction or subduction in the rock cycle?

it is compaction

What is the name for the process of recycling materials that make up the Earth's crust and mantle?

Subduction is the process of materials moving back into the earth at the boundary of tectonic plates.

Can rocks melt during the rock cycle?

Absolutely. If a rock is heated up by subduction into deeper parts of the earth, or even if it is in contact with other molten rocks (like lava) it can melt.

What are the rock cycle?

Rock cycle mean when one type of rock changes into another type under a great heat and preasure

What is the continuous changing of rocks from one type to another called?

The rock cycle.

Why does oceanic rock always sink below continental rock?


What process can change metamorphic rock into sedimentary?

When the sedimentary rock is going under heat and pressure, turning it into a metamorphic rock.

How does the rock cycle relates to plate tectonics?

Subduction zones forces rocks to be pulled back down into the mantle where pressure and heat melts and recycles the rocks. Convection in the mantle then forces the magma to the surface at mid ocean ridges and volcanoes.

What is the process that takes rock to the inside of the earth?


Which process takes rock to the inside of earth?


The cycle of heating rising cooling and sinking is called?

The convection / subduction cycle.

What does cooling mean in the rock cycle?

It means a gradual decrease of temperature