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Possession and control pending an evidentiary hearing.

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Q: What does temporary primary physical care and custody mean?
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Is Primary Physical Custody the same as being the Primary Parent in Nevada?

Primary parent may informally refer to the parent with whom the child lives for the majority of the time. Primary physical custody is the legal term for the parent with physical care and supervision of their child for the majority of the time.Child support and custody is an extremely complicated area of law in Nevada which is somewhat behind the times in defining and clarifying these issues. If you need legal advice in that area you need to consult with an attorney who specializes in family law and who has a good reputation.A parent may have sole legal custody or joint legal custody.A parent with sole legal custody can make all the decisions regarding the child such as education, medical treatment and religious training.Joint legal custody means that both parents have a equal right to make decisions regarding the child. Parents with joint legal custody may have different arrangements regarding physical custody. They may share physical custody equally or the child may spend more time with one parent. If a parent has physical custody of the child for the majority of the time they are considered to be the primary parent.Physical custody is a different issue. Nevada recognizes three forms of physical custody:sole physical custody- sole physical care and supervisionprimary physical custody- physical care and supervision for the majority of the timejoint physical custody- parents share physical care and supervision

What is meant by the phrase petitioner further prays for temporary and permanent legal custody and physical care of the children?

The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.The person has petitioned the court for sole legal and physical custody of the children.

If no custody has been establish can you get your child on visitation and decide to not bring them back wjile you file for custody?

Technically in cases where there is no order of custody possesion is 9/10ths of the law IF both parents are legally recognized to be parents (i.e. have signed the birth certificate). However if one parent has had primary physical custody of the child following a separation and has been responsible for the majority of the care for the child the court may not look kindly on the other parent hijacking custody. The best thing to do is file for temporary custody before actually keeping the child.

If I only have my son on holidays and during the summer can that be considered joint physical custody?

Yes, anytime the boy is in your physical care is considered custody.

What is Joint legal Custody and partial Physical Custody?

Joint legal custody indicates that both parents have the right to make joint decisions on the raising of a child (education, health care, etc.). If there are conflicts in such decisions then it is only applicable if such disagreements are reasonable in the eyes of the court. If they are deemed "unreasonable" then the parent with primary physical custody or the court makes such determinations. Partial physical custody, indicates that the child spends a portion of his or her time (specified or otherwise) with the parent (weekends, holidays, summer vacation, etc.) but resides the majority of time with the primary custodial parent.

How does a father gain temporary custody of his child whose mother is incarsirated?

You file an emergency child in need of care and custody in court. See link to learn how.

I am married but separated from my husband we have a 1 year old child and I have custody with no order What are your legal rights until you get a custody order you live in MN?

You now only have physical custody, but both you and your husband have equal custody rights to the child. That means he has a right to have physical custody too, and will not get into any trouble if he physically takes the child into his care. If you are afraid he might take the child, you will need to obtain a temporary custody order, signed by a judge, to make sure you become the custodial parent. That said, depending on your husband, the longer you have physical custody of the child, the more difficult it will be for your husband to obtain legal custody should you divorce.

How do you spell cusdity?

The correct spelling is custody (control, care, or physical possession).

If the father has had joint custody of a 4 year old and was the primary parent and the mother wants primary custody can she do it?

Yes if she could prove that the child is better off in her primary care. If the child is thriving and safe with you, it would be hard for her to prove. But custody can change at anytime so she has the right to file.

Your dad is incarcerated and you have to take care of your sister you dont know how much time he will be doing so should he write a temporary custody letter or full custody?

Custody is granted by the courts, and that's where you need to go.

Identify situations requiring primary and preventive care?

A situation that requires primary and preventive care would be if you went in to get a physical done

Can a husband kick a wife out of the home and refuse to allow her to take the children?

Until there has been a custody order issued by the court both parents have the same parental rights. If the situation is expected to lead to a divorce the wife needs to consult with an attorney or court advocate and try to obtain a temporary custody order. Providing evidence that shows which parent provided the most day to day care may help in obtaining temporary custody. The court will also consider the reason for the break up and the temporary solution that causes the least trauma for the children.Until there has been a custody order issued by the court both parents have the same parental rights. If the situation is expected to lead to a divorce the wife needs to consult with an attorney or court advocate and try to obtain a temporary custody order. Providing evidence that shows which parent provided the most day to day care may help in obtaining temporary custody. The court will also consider the reason for the break up and the temporary solution that causes the least trauma for the children.Until there has been a custody order issued by the court both parents have the same parental rights. If the situation is expected to lead to a divorce the wife needs to consult with an attorney or court advocate and try to obtain a temporary custody order. Providing evidence that shows which parent provided the most day to day care may help in obtaining temporary custody. The court will also consider the reason for the break up and the temporary solution that causes the least trauma for the children.Until there has been a custody order issued by the court both parents have the same parental rights. If the situation is expected to lead to a divorce the wife needs to consult with an attorney or court advocate and try to obtain a temporary custody order. Providing evidence that shows which parent provided the most day to day care may help in obtaining temporary custody. The court will also consider the reason for the break up and the temporary solution that causes the least trauma for the children.