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The creation story of Adam and Eve tells us that making mistakes is part of being human. Another part of being human is regretting mistakes. Still another part is learning from mistakes. And yet another is survivingand succeeding because of the human ability to recognize mistakes and change behaviors accordingly.

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Q: What does the Adam and Eve creation story tell us about being human?
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In the creation story Adam is told to go and multiply what is meant by this?

This is simply a reference to human procreation, which, certainly has God's blessing in the right context of marriage as Adam was.

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Adam was the first man in the Muslim creation story.

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The story of creation can be found in Genesis 1. The creation of Adam and Eve can be found in Genesis 2.

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The story of Adam and Eve... is exclusive to the Christian religion. It's exactly that - a 'story' - intended to explain how the human race got here ! Other religions have their own 'creation' stories.

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That would be Adam in the story of creation in Genesis.

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In the second biblical creation story (Genesis 2:4b-20), God's creation of Adam was the first act of creation. God then planted a garden eastward of Eden.For more information, please visit:

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A:Yes. I would consider everything from the story of Adam and Eve (chapter 2) through to the story of the Flood to be a continuous creation story, in the same genre as creation stories in other ancient religions, although there are minor discontinuities resulting from later redaction. Genesis chapter 1, through to 2:4a, is a creation story separate from the story of Adam and Eve.

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Another response from our community:It is not a myth or story.

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What was another name for Adam and Eve story?

The biblical story of Adam and Eve is actually composed of a number of stories together, and it is uncertain whether the original author really intended to talk about the same man, since Adam really just means man, or human. The first story in the sequence is called the second creation account. This is followed by the story of the Garden of Eden and then the story of Cain and Abel.

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According to the Bible, Adam is the first person. There is no tradition that argues that John was the first human being. Of course, archaeology does not believe humans to be so recent as to have only existed 6,000 years ago and does not speculate on the name of the first human.

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