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The Devil in "The Pick of Destiny" is referencing the Scarlet Pimpernel, a heroic figure known for his daring exploits during the French Revolution. By saying he will make Kyle scream like the Scarlet Pimpernel, the Devil is likely implying that he will put Kyle through intense and terrifying experiences.

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The Scarlet Pimpernel was a movie based on a true story of someone in Europe who called himself the Scarelt Pimpernel and ran around freeing innocent people from jail. He eventually was caught, tortured, and killed I believe.

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Q: What does the Devil in the pick of destiny mean when saying Ill make him scream like the scarlet pimpernel in reference to Kyle?
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In Tenacious D The Pick Of Destiny the devil sings- I'll make em squeal like a scarlet pimpernel This meaning what?

Wow, I know this question is 10 years old, but why did any of you try to answer this when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about? To set the record straight and for future reference, I will explain to the best of my knowledge and interpretation while attempting not to plagiarize. To start, a scarlet pimpernel is a flower of the primrose family, but that alone doesn't lend much of an answer to the lyric, which happens to capitalize both the words "scarlet" and "pimpernel" indicating they are proper nouns together. The only instance I could find of them as proper nouns was from old literature. The Scarlet Pimpernel is the title of the first novel and moniker of the protagonist in a series of historical fiction by Baroness Orczy, published in 1905. The popularity of Orczy's novel prompted English speakers to start using "scarlet pimpernel" for any daring hero who smuggled those in danger to a safe haven in another country. Today it is also sometimes used more broadly for a person who is daring, mysterious, or evasive. I believe the lyric means something along the lines of Kyle being a daring hero for taking on the devil, but the devil is saying he will make him squeal for it, which adds to the fun when Kyle will likely be evading him as much as possible in between the sessions where he will fill him with his hot demon gel. Thus, as the lyric goes, "I'll make him squeal like my Scarlet Pimpernel," he means he will make Kyle, his little daring hero, squeal. It definitely has much more meaning than just rhyming and not making any sense. It also certainly isn't a censorship thing considering it is an R rated movie and "fill him with my hot demon gel" alone is already much more "graphic" than the misinterpreted Spanish lyric of "virgin girl."

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Yes, saying someone is "my destiny" is now a cliche.

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== ==

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