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ein brera (אין ברירה) = "there is no choice"

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It means "there is no choice".

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Q: What does the Hebrew phrase 'ein brera' mean?
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What does Ein Brera mean in Hebrew?

Ein Breira = "there's no choice"

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"Ein da'agot" translates into "no problems" or "no worries."

Hebrew word or phrase for the everlasting father?

There is no good way to translate this literally into Hebrew, but the Jews have a word for God that is very similar: אין סוף "ein sof" (which literally means "there is no end" and it is a name of God.)

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"We are locking ourselves in" is an acurate translation.

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Ein schönes Osterfest is not a usual German phrase. The common phrase is ein frohes Osterfest.Both would translate as Happy Easter.

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If you mean "ein be'ad ma" (אין בעד מה), it means "you're welcome.

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It's ungrammatical, but it means "Yes but I don't have Hebrew letters" (a Hebrew keyboard).(It should be ken aval ein li otiyot ivriyot).כן, אבל אין לי אותיות עבריותNote that there are websites, such as the Branah site, that have virtual Hebrew keyboards that can type Hebrew via your English keyboard.

What does the Hebrew word Ein Gedi mean?

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What is There is no cake in Hebrew?

There is no cake = אין עוגה (ein oo-GAH)

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The phrase "Das ist ein Fall von andrer Art" is from Arabella by Richard Strauss.

What is the Hebrew word for No mercy?

ein rachamim (אין רחמים)

What is the German phrase for nap?

to nap means schlummern, (ein)nicken or ein Nickerchen machen.The noun nap is (das) Nickerchen in German.