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The first thing to understand about sub-atomic particles is that concepts like "location" become increasingly useless as one investigates smaller particles. Contrary to popular depictions of atoms, electrons do NOT orbit the nucleus like planets orbiting a star. Indeed, it is useless to discuss where exactly the electrons are and what velocity they have. Our Universe permits us to discuss only the PROBABILITY of an electron being at a certain place over time. Thus, we can NOT sketch the basic

Also, the phrase "look like" carries a sense of light illuminating an atom, with that light then bouncing into our eyes. Unfortunately, light that our eyes can detect has a wavelength about 3000 times larger than an atom, and thus 30 million times larger than a nucleus. We can no more use visible light to determine the basic shape of an atom than we can use a tank to measure the size of a blade of grass.

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Q: What does the atom look like with regards to subatomic particles and there location?
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no an ion is a electrically charged atom

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protons, neutrons, and electrons are the subatomic particles involved with an atom

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no, its an atom which is broken down into subatomic particles

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thesubatomic particles are the particles smaller than an atom

What does it mean when a subatomic particle is in the atom?

Basically, atoms are made up of subatomic particles. Subatomic, sub- meaning smaller that, so subatomic particles means "a particle smaller than an atom". So It means that it is a particle within the atom.

Who is model of the atom has no subatomic particles?

Both Democritus' and John Dalton's atomic models had no subatomic particles.

Which subatomic particles found in the larger part of an atom?

the subatomic particles, protons and neutrons, form the nucleus.

How many subatomic particles are present in an atom except proton neutron electron and what are they?

The only subatomic particles that exist in an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons.