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Q: What molecules are used by the body to build proteins?
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Which type of molecules does the body use to build and repair?

Proteins are used to build and repair muscle tissue

DNA contains the information to build which macromolecule?

DNA has genetic information to build the organic molecules proteins. These proteins are used within the cell to grow and build.

What DNA molecules contain information on building Specific?

proteins. A step by step (or amino acid by amino acid) instruction.

Nutrients that are used to build and repair body parts are called?


Are used to build tissues and perform life fucntions in many organisms?

Proteins are used to build the tissue. Proteins are eaten first. They are broken down to amino acids in digestive tract. Then they are assembled as per your body proteins. Then they are used as per requirement of your body tissue.

What is use to build and repair body cells?


What are the nutrients that are used to build and repair body parts called?

proteins :D

Where are nitrogen atoms used to build your body?

Nitrogen is an essential part of proteins.

Nutrients that are used to build and repair body parts are called what?

proteins :D

Nutrients that build body parts for growth?

Amino acids are built up into larger protein molecules in a process called protein synthesis. These proteins are then used to create new tissues to replace old or damaged body ports.

How are fats valuable or used by your body?

lipids or fats are used for structural roles, precursor molecules, anchors for peripheral surface proteins, signalling molecules and of course energy source.

What are proteins used for in the digestive process?

They are called enzymes. Enzymes allow the body to break down nutrients in a way that the body can use them, For example, starch is broken down into sugar; and the body will either immediately use the sugars for energy, or build them into fat and glycogen molecules for storage.