

What does the cell membrane will absorb?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What does the cell membrane will absorb?
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What will the cell membrane will absorb?

The cell membrane will absorb food, water, and oxygen. .

How do plants absorb nutrients?

the nutrients pass across the cell membrane

What happens to the cell membrane when a cell becomes to large?

The cell is spread too thin to absorb enough materials and it dies

What passes through the cell membrane in a root hair cell?

water and mineral salts are obtained in the soil and are absorb by the root hair cell

When a vesicle fuses with the cell membrane to get rid of a particle what happens?

a vesicle does not fuse with the cell membrane. The cell membrane goes through endo- or exocytosis to absorb or eject a substance. In this case, exocytosis occurs, so the cell membrane engulfs the particle, pumps it through the membrane with the help of transport proteins, and then the vesicle breaks off and is gone.

What is the fuction of protein channel in the cell membrane?

to either absorb/excrete whole protein molecules that are produced in other/same cell(s).

Why is the cell membrane in a animal cell good at its job?

An animal call membrane is semipermeable (also selectively permeable). This means that it allows the cell to absorb what it needs, get rid of waste or other products, and still keeps the cell enclosed and safe. The membrane can accomplish all these tasks due to the phospholipid bilayer, diffusion, and pumps.

What regulates passage of materials into and out of cells?

The cell membrane controls movement of materials in and out of the cell.

What is every plant and animal cell surrounded by?

Every plant and animal cell is surrounded by a cell membrane. Plant cells have both a cell membrane and a cell wall because they can create there own food through photosynthesis. Animal cells have to absorb food, so they cant have a cell wall.

Which cell structure controls what enters and leaves the cell?

The selective permeability of the cell membrane

What cell structures are made primarily from phospholipids?

cell membrane

What structure controls the passage of substances into and out of the cell?

cell membrane