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The radium nitride (Ra3N2) has a black color.

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Q: What does the element radium look like when it reacts with nitrogen?
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Where is radium on the reactivity scale?

Radium is the "heaviest known alkaline earth; it's chemical properties mostly resemble those of barium." "Like other alkaline earth metals, radium reacts violently with water to form radium hydroxide." This puts radium with Cs, Rb, K, Na, Li, Ba, Sr and Ca on the reactivity scale; in other words, highly reactive.Please see the links.

Why radium reacts when expose to air?

Radium is a group 2 metal, all of them are reactive, all of them react with air, (magnesium is reactive but passivates with a thin oxide film). Radium is just behaving like any other member of the group. They have 2 outer electrons that are readily lost to form ionic compounds.

What is radium ore?

Radium is an element, with atomic number 88. The element radium is a radioactive alkaline earth metal that is the decay product of thorium, element number 90. (Thorium is, itself, the radioactive daughter of uranium.) Radium (226Ra, the isotope that is the result of the alpha decay of thorium) has a half-life of 1602 years, and the element acts chemically like the other +2 elements in group 2 of the periodic table. It is highly radioactive and dangerous. (Links are provided to the Wikipedia article on radium and also to a related question.)

I want to know everything about Nitrogen?

To know everything about nitrogen, or any other specific element, you need to get a PhD in chemistry and then specialize in teh study of nitrogen, or any other specific element. It is not possible to provide "everything about nitrogen" is a site like this one.

What does radium smell like?

radium has NO odor

Nitrogen dioxide reacts with water to produce nitric acid and water?

We will find that nitrogen dioxide in air will react with water to form nitric acid. The equation looks like this: 3NO2 + H2O => 3HNO3 + NO

Is Radium found uncombined in nature?

Radium is only found in trace amounts in uranium ore. It is not a stable element, so it cannot be found by itself like other elements (say, oxygen) can.

Which two elements combine to make nitrogen?

Nitrogen is an element all in itself. N2 is nitrogen gas, a diatomic particle like O2, oxygen gas.

What is the chemical equation of radium and (CO3)-2?

Radium has an oxidation state of +2, Oxygen has an oxidation state of it'll look like this Skeleton equation: Ra + O2 --> RaO.... Balanced equation 2Ra + O2---> 2RaO

Why should radium stay away from water?

Because it, like all other alkaline earth metals (except for Beryllium), reacts violently (heat of reaction approx. 9.0 Kcal./g per atom) with water to form radium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. source heat of reaction: The Radiochemistry of Radium, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council