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Q: What does the malaria parasite look like before it enters the liver?
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How do you know when malaria is cured?

When your fever has responded to antimalarial drugs, you are taken as cured of malaria. Primaquine removes the parasite from your liver, but then the parasite is not generally removed from liver, when you are resident of the endemic area. If you are from malaria free area or have got falciparum infection, then primaquine course will cure you of malaria.

How does malaria reproduce?

malaria reproduces throughout the blood stream and the liver

What two places in the human body must the malaria parasite go in oder to reproduce?

First is liver and second is red blood cells. It will be interesting to know that the parasite frequently changes the liver cells, before settling in finally.

The parasite reaches the human's liver from which it releases the infection that causes the disease malaria or chickenpox?

That disease is malaria. It is not chicken pox.

When the malaria parasite is transferred to the blood from a mosquito bite what organ does the parasite first infect?

A female Anopheles mosquito carrying the malaria-causing parasites bites a human and injects the parasites in the form of sporozoites into the bloodstream. The sporozoites travel to the liver and then invade the liver cells. These mature into schizonts, which rupture and release merozoites. This form of the malaria parasite invades red blood cells.

What transmission spreads a disease by the bite of a certain mosquito?

when a mosquito bites a person,it leaves plasmodium(malarial parasite) into blood which then enters liver and undergoes multiple fission,which then matures and spreads infection and causes malaria.

What areas of the body are affected by malaria?

Liver, blood vessels, kidney etc are worst effected by malarial parasite. The germs of malaria at times become dormant in the liver and as and when get opportune atmosphere, over power the human body metabolism.

Describe how malaria parasites causes illnesses?

When the infected anopheles mosquito bite the uninfected host, it transmits the the malaria parasite in the blood of the host. This parasite soon enters the liver. They multiply there. When the liver cell burst, the parasites enter the red blood cells. There again they multiply. Then the red blood cells burst, the parasites are liberated. They invade the fresh red blood cells. This process go on repeating. Every time the parasites are liberated from the red blood cells, you get bouts of fever with chills. When the mosquito bites the patient, it sucks the parasites. They travel to the salivary gland of the mosquito to give infection to new hosts.

Should early morning blood sample be given for diagnosis of malaria?

No, the blood sample for malaria should be given when the patient is febrile (has a fever). In malaria the fever cycles on and off. In the febrile period the parasite is visible as it lyses the blood cells and escapes the liver.

What sporozite protist causes malaria in tropical areasWhat sporozite protist causes malaria in tropical areas?

The protzoal parasite that causes Malaria are Plasmodium Vivax Plasmodium Falciparum Plasmodium Malariae Plasmodium Ovale It is an intracellular parasite that inhabits the Red Blood Cells and the liver. P. Falciparum cause Cerebral Malaria.

Where does a plasmodium parasite live?

Mainly in mosquitos, if it lives in you, chances are you got maleria...

What human system does malaria affect?

Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. In the human body, the parasites multiply in the liver, and then infect red blood cells. I know one sickle cell trait and one normal red blood cell trait provides a natural defense against malaria. This has to do with the mutated sickle cell being immune to the malaria parasite. However two sickle cell traits are bad because they do not have enough hemoglobin.