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it passes oxygen and nutrients

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14y ago

evrythin the baby needs to develop

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Q: What does the placenta pass to mother from baby?
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Drugs in the mother's bloodstream pass across the membrane of the placenta, and transfer to the unborn baby's blood by the umbilical cord, which connects the baby to the placenta.

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What does the mother pass to the placenta?

digested food

How are nutrients carried from mother to baby in mammals?

In pregnancy they go from the mother to the baby through the umbilical cord

Does a baby get hurgry inside his mother belly?

No, the baby is supplied with food in its blood via the placenta, the placenta is connected to the mother's blood supply and the baby's food gets to it from the mothers blood.

Where does the baby's umbilical cord conect to the mother?


How is baby?

The baby is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is connected to the placenta, and the placenta is connected to the uterus. The placenta and umbilical cord are temporary organs that are expelled when the baby is born.

What are the two functions of a placenta?

One of them is to pass on essential nutrients from the mother to the baby. Nutrient supply. Waste elimination. (The third function is gas exchange.)

What are two functions of the placenta?

One of them is to pass on essential nutrients from the mother to the baby. Nutrient supply. Waste elimination. (The third function is gas exchange.)

What Happens to the placenta when the baby is born?

the placenta is attached to the baby through the umbilical cord. after the baby is born the cord is cut and the placenta still needs to be removed. to remove the placenta the mother goes through a third stage of labor to deliver the placenta. this normally lasts about about 10-15 minuets. the mother pushes while the doctor assists and finally its out.

What is the Organ that allows nutrients to pass between mother and embryo?


What is left inside the mother after deliver and what happens to it?

the placenta is taken out of the mother after delivery of her baby