

What does mean the term bolus?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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Bolus chase - is a set amount of medicine that is immediately and completely delivered. Unlike an I.V. drip which is administered over a set period of time. This is what I found when I looked it up on the internet.

A single dose of drug usually injected into a blood vessel over a short period of time. Also called bolus infusion. To clarify a little about what was mentioned before, bolusing something just means to give it to the patient quickly. The most common bolus is IV fluids--we will often start by giving someone a liter of fluid through their IV as fast as it will go in (usually an hour) and then will slow the rate down to a much lower rate (usually between 75-150 mL per hour). Some medications can be given as a bolus (that is, given all at once) instead of having to run them through an IV over a longer period of time.

A little more...From the Greek, the word "bolus" refers to a lump or rough-shaped ball. This word has acquired a special meaning in the medical and veterinary world, as stated above. While it can refer to a glob of food, it rarely does anymore.

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