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It means that the sound of the crowing of the rooster (cockerel) in the mornings woke the soldiers up. The rooster acted like an alarm clock. 'Alarm clock' is therefore a metaphor for 'rooster'.

Had the sentence read 'The far-off rooster was like an alarm clock for the sleeping soldiers' it would have been a simile.

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Q: What does this metaphor mean 'The far-off rooster was an alarm clock for the sleeping soldiers'?
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Define the concept of international business and also explain its scope and nature?

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENTThe beverages you drink might be produced in India, but withthe collaboration of a USA company. The tea you drink isprepared from the tea powder produced in Sri Lanka. Thespares and harddisk of the computer you operate might havebeen produced in the United States of America.The perfume you apply might have been produced in France.The television you watch might have been produced with theJapanese technology. The shoe you wear might have beenproduced in Taiwan, but remarketed by an Italian company. AirFrance and so on so forth might have provided your airtravelservices to you.Most of you have the experience of browsing Internet andvisiting different web sites, knowing the products and servicesoffered by various companies across the globe. Some of youmight have the experience of 'even ordering and buying theproducts through Internet. This process gives you the opportunityof transacting in the international business arena withoutvisiting or knowing the various countries and companies acrossthe globe.You get all these even without visiting or knowing the countryof the company where they are produced. All these activitieshave become a reality due to the operations and activities ofinternational business.Thus, international business is the process of focusing on theresources of the globe and objectives of the organizations onglobal business opportunities and threats.Evolution of International BusinessThe business across the borders of the countries had beencarried on since times immemorial. But, the business had beenlimited to the international trade until the recent past. The postWorld War If period witnessed an unexpected expansion ofnational companies into international or multinational companies.The post 1990s period has given greater fillip tointernational business.In fact, the term international business was not in existencebefore two decades. The term international business hasemerged from the term international marketing, which in turn,emerged from the term 'export marketing'.International Trade to International Marketing: Originally, theproducers used to export their products to the nearby countriesand gradually extended the exports to faroff countries. Gradually,the companies extended the operations beyond trade. Forexample, India used to export raw cotton, raw jute and iron oreduring the early 1900s. The massive industrialization in thecountry enabled us to export jute products, cotton garmentsand steel during 1960s.India, during 1980s could create markets for its products, inaddition to mere exporting. The export marketing effortsinclude creation of demand for Indian products like textiles,electronics, leather products, tea, coffee etc., arranging forappropriate distribution channels, attractive package, productdevelopment, pricing etc. This process is true not only withIndia, but also with almost all developed and developingeconomies.International Marketing to International Business: Themultinational companies which were producing the products intheir home countries and marketing them in various foreigncountries before 1980s, started locating their plants and othermanufacturing facilities in foreign/host countries. Later, theystarted producing in one foreign country and marketing in otherforeign countries. For example, Uni Lever established itssubsidiary company in India, i.e., Hindustan Lever Limited(HLL). HLL produces its products in India and markets themin Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal etc. Thus, the scope of theinternational trade is expanded into international marketing andinternational marketing is expanded into international business.Nature of International BusinessThe 1990s and the new millennium clearly indicate rapidinternationalization and globalization. The entire globe ispassing at a dramatic pace through the transition period. Today,the international trader is in a position to analyze and interpretthe global social, technical, economic, political and naturalenvironmental factors more clearly.Conducting and managing international business operations isa crucial venture due to variations in political, social, cultural andeconomic factors, from one country to another country. Forexample, most of the African consumers prefer less costlyproducts due to their poor economic conditions. Whereas theGerman consumers prefer high quality and high priced productsdue to their higher ability to buy. Therefore, the internationalbusinessman should produce and export less costly products tomost of the African countries and vice versa to most of theEuropean and North American countries. High priced and highquality Palmolive soaps are marketed in European countries andthe economy priced Palmolive soaps are exported and marketedin developing Countries like Ethiopia, Pakistan, Kenya, India,Cambodia etc.International business houses need accurate information tomake an appropriate decision. Europe was the most opportunisticmarket for leather goods and particularly for shoes. Batabased on the accurate data could make appropriate decision toenter various European countries.International business houses need not only accurate but timelyinformation. CocaCola could enter the European market basedon the timely information, whereas Pepsi entered later. Anotherexample is the timely entrance of Indian software companiesinto the US market compared to those of other countries.Indian software companies also made timely decision in the caseof' Europe.laws, business laws and policies and regulations formulated bythe Indian Government. For example, international businessshould enter into joint venture with the domestic company toenter Malaysia. Important among them include:Host Country's Monetary System: Countries regulate the pricelevel, flow of money, production levels etc. through theirmonetary systems. In addition, they regulate foreign exchangerates also through the monetary system. The tools of monetarysystem include bank rate, cash reserve ratio, statutory liquidityratio etc. Governments also regulate remittance of the profit ofinternational business houses to other countries. Internationalcompanies should obey these regulations. The Indian Governmentintroduced full convertibility on current account; in fact,many Governments introduced full convertibility on currentaccount as a part of economic liberalisation.National Security Policies of the Host Countries: Every countryformulates the policies for its national security. Multinationalcompanies should abide by these national security policies. Forexample, USA is a free economy as far as carrying out thebusiness compared to manyImpact of Culture of SwitzerlandHousewivesOn Marketing of DishwashersIn Switzerland, foreign dishwasher manufacturers expected thesame rapid sales as they had first obtained in other WestEuropean markets; but sales in Switzerland were so slow thatresearch had to be done to find out why (this research should,of course, have been done before not after market entry). Theresearch showed that the Swiss housewife had a different set ofvalues to, for example, her French and English counterparts; shewas very conscious of her role as strict and hardworking and herresponsibility for the health of her family. To the Swisshousewife dishwashers simply made life easy, and this conflictedwith her Calvinistic work ethic. As a result of th s research,dishwasher manufacturers had to change their advertisingpromoting, instead of ease and convenience, hygiene andhealth. They did this by emphasizing that because dishwashersused temperature higher than hand hot, the process was morehygienic than washing up by harid. Thereafter, they had noautomatic dishwashers in Swit7erland.Language: language is an important factor in internationalbusiness. Even though 'English language' is a major languagein business operations in the world, there are still a largenumber of 'nonEnglish' speaking countries. Therefore,international business houses should train their employees inthe local language of THC host country. Added to this, therewould be many languages in use in many, countries like ours.Therefore, the business houses should train their employees inthe local languages also.Nationalism and Business Policy : Nationalism is a dominatingfactor of the social life of the people of the host countries.In fact, nationalism also affects the business operations of themultinational corporations dramatically and drastically. The USpeople used the slogan 'Be American and Buy American Made',when the US automobile industry failed to meet the competitionof Japanese automobile companies operating in USA.Similar incidents are dso observed in developing countries.Therefore, international business houses should be cautious ofnationalism and its after effects

What six letter words have r as the third letter?

Here are some possible words: abrade abroad abrupt across adrift adroit aerate aerial aeried aerier aeries aerify aerily aerobe afraid afreet afresh Africa afrits agreed agrees airbus airest airier airily airing airman airmen airway amrita aortae aortal aortas aortic aprons arrack arrant arrays arrear arrest arrive arrows arrowy arroyo atrial atrium aurate aureus aurist aurora aurous aurums barbed barbel barber barded bardes bardic barely barest barfed barfly barged bargee barges barhop baring barite barium barked barker barley barlow barman barmen barmie barons barony barque barred barrel barren barrio barrow barter baryon berate berber bereft berets bering Berlin bertha berths beryls birded birder birdie bireme births borage borate border boreal boring borneo borons borrow borsch borsht borzoi burble burbly burden bureau burgee burger burghs burgle burgoo burial buried burier buries burins burlap burled burler burley burned burner burnet burnie burped burred burrer burros burrow bursae bursal bursar bursas burses bursts Burton byroad carafe carate carats carbon carboy carded carder cardia careen career carers caress carets carful cargos carhop caries carina caring carlot carman Carmen carnal carney carnie carobs carols caroms carpal carped carpel carper carpet carpus carrel carrom carrot Carson carted cartel carter cartes carton cartop carved carven carver carves cereal cereus cerias cerise cerium cermet certes cervix chrism christ chroma chrome chromo circle circum circus cirque cirrus corals corbel corded corder cordon corers corgis coring corked corker cornea corned cornel corner cornet corona corpse corpus corral correl corses corset cortex cortin corvee corves corvet coryza curacy curara curare curari curate curbed curber curded curdle curers curets curfew curiae curial curies curing curios curium curled curler curlew curran curred currie cursed curser curses cursor curter curtly curtsy curved curves curvet curvey darers daring darked darken darker darkey darkie darkle darkly darned darnel darner darted darter darvon Darwin derail derats deride derive dermal dermas dermic dermis derris direct direly direst dirges dirked dirndl dorado dories dormer dorsal duress during durned durums earful earing earned earner earths earthy earwax earwig eerier eerily egress egrets enrage enrapt enrich enrobe enroll enrols enroot errand errant errata erring errors eureka Europe eyries farads farced farcer farces farers farina faring farmed farmer faroff farrow farted fermis ferret ferric ferris ferrum ferule fervid fervor firers firing firkin firmed firmer firmly firsts firths forage forays forbad forbid forced forcer forces forded fordid foreby foredo forego forest forged forger forges forget forgot forint forked forker formal format formed former formic forsee fortes fortis forums forwhy furies furled furler furore furors furred furrow furzes garage garbed garble garcon garden gargle garish garlic garner garnet garret garter garths Gerald gerbil German germen gerund girded girder girdle girlie girted girths gorals gorged gorger gorges gorget gorgon gorier gorily goring gorses gurgle gurney gyrate gyring gyrose harass harbor harden harder hardly hareem harems haring harked harken Harlem harlot harmed harmer Harold harped Harper harris harrow herald herbal herded herder hereat hereby herein hereof hereon heresy hereto Herman Hermes hermit hernia heroes heroic heroin herons herpes hirers hiring horace horary horded hordes horned horner hornet horrid horror horsed horses horsey hurdle hurled hurler hurrah hurray hurter hurtle inroad inrush irreal irrupt israel jarful jargon jarred jerboa jerked jerker jerkin jersey Jordan juries jurist jurors karate karats karmas karmic karsts kerbed kerfed kerned kernel kirned kirsch kirtle Korean koruna koruny kyries larded larder larger larges largos lariat larked larker larrup larums larvae larval larvas larynx lorans lorded lordly lories lurers luring lurked lurker lyrate lyrics lyrism lyrist maraca maraud marble marbly marcel marges margin marina marine marish marked marker market markka markup marled marlin marmot maroon marque marred marrer marron marrow marses marshs marshy marted marten Martha martin martyr marvel mercer merely merest merged merger merges merino merits Merlin merlon merman mermen mirage miriam mirier miring mirror mirths morale morals morass morays morbid morels Morgan morgue Mormon morons morose morpho morphs Morris morrow morsel mortal mortar mortem mortis murals murder murine muring murker murkly murmur Murphy myriad myrrhs myrtle narcos narked narrow narwal nereid nereis nerved nerves nordic normal Norman normed norths Norway nursed nurser nurses oaring ogress ogrish onrush orrery parade parcel pardon parent parers pareve pariah paring parish parity parkas parked Parker parlay parley parlor parody parole parols parred parrot parsec parsed parser parses parson parted partly perdue perdus perils period perish perked permit Persia person perter pertly peruke peruse phrase piracy pirana pirate pirogi poring porker pornos porose porous portal ported porter portly purdah purdas pureed purees purely purest purged purger purges purify purine purins purism purist purity purled purple purply purred pursed purser purses pursue purvey pyrite qurush rarefy rarely rarest rarify raring rarity reread reroll reruns sarape sarees sarges sarong sartor scrags scrams scrape scraps scrawl scream screed screen screes screws screwy scribe scrimp scrims scrips script scrive scrods scroll scrota scrubs scruff serape seraph Serbia serene serest serges serial series serifs serine sering serins sermon serous serums serval served server serves servos shrank shreds shrewd shrews shriek shrift shrike shrill shrimp shrine shrink shrive shroud shrove shrubs shrugs shrunk sirens siring sirrah sirree sirups sirupy sorbed sorbet sorbic sordid sorels sorely sorest sorrel sorrow sorted sorter sortie sprain sprang sprats sprawl sprays spread sprees sprier sprigs spring sprint sprite sprits sprout spruce sprucy sprung spryer spryly strafe strain strait strand straps strata strate strath straws strawy strays streak stream street streps stress strewn strews striae strict stride strife strike string stripe strips stript stripy strive strobe strode stroke stroll strong strops strove struck strums strung struts surely surest surety surfed surfer surged surger surges surrey surtax survey syrens syrian syrinx syrups syrupy target tariff taring tarmac tarnal tarots tarpon tarred tarsal tarsus tartan tartar tarted tarter tartly tarzan tercel termed termer termly terras terror terser thrall thrash thread threat threes thresh thrice thrift thrill thrips thrive throat throbs throes throne throng throve thrown throws thrums thrush thrust tirade tiring torahs torero tories toroid torpid torpor torque torrid torsos tortes turban turbid turbit turbos turbot tureen turfed turgid turkey turned turner turnip turnup turret turtle tyrant unread unreal unreel unrest unripe unrobe unroll unroof unrule unruly uprear uprise uproar uproot uprose varied varier varies varlet verbal verbid verged verger verges verier verify verily verite verity vermin vernal versal versed verser verses versos versus vertex verves vervet virago vireos virgil virgin virgos virile virtue vortex warble warded warden warder warier warily waring warmed warmer warmly warmth warmup warned warner warped warper warred warren Warsaw warted wirers wirier wirily wiring worded worked worker workup worlds wormed wormer worrit worsen worser worses worsts worths worthy wursts wurzel yarded yarely yarest yarned yarrow yerbas yorker zeroed zeroes zircon zurich