

What does vitamin a deficiency course?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Prevalence of vitamin A deficiency. Source: WHO

The major cause is diets which include few animal sources of pre-formed vitamin A. Breast milk of a lactating mother with vitamin A deficiency contains little vitamin A, which provides a breast-fed child with too little vitamin A.

In addition to dietary problems, there are other causes of vitamin A deficiency. Iron deficiency can affect vitamin A uptake. Excess alcohol consumption can deplete vitamin A, and a stressed liver may be more susceptible to vitamin A toxicity. People who consume large amounts of alcohol should seek medical advice before taking vitamin A supplements. In general, people should also seek medical advice before taking vitamin A supplements if they have any condition associated with fat malabsorption such as pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, tropical sprue & biliary obstruction.

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Vitamin A deficiency occurs with the chronic consumption of diets that are deficient in both vitamin A and beta-carotene.

Can you have both iron-deficiency anemia and vitamin B12 anemia?

i guess so but then it would be called deficiency anemia because you are lacking nutrition

Why is scurvy caused?

Prolonged deficiency of vitamin c causes scurvy.

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Anaemia is a deficiency of iron, night blindness is a deficiency if vitamin A and rickets is a deficiency of vitamin D.

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