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Animals, specifically mammals, can do most things that humans can do. What humans do in a more sophisticated way, however, is emote. Humans are capable of more complex, empathetic feelings than are animals, and they are able to relate to each other accordingly. These emotions are what separate humans from the animals.

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Reasoning and aptitude skills are lacking in non human-animal brain unless we train them. animals cannot do math for example.

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Think illogically.

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Q: What does your brain let you do that animals cannot do?
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What does your brain let you do and that animals connot do?

My brain lets me speak and form sentences.

Do animals feel?

It would depend on which animal. If it has a brain, it can "feel" in one way or another. Animals with no brain like coral cannot feel, but they do react to negative stimuli as all living things do.

Are there any animals that do not have a brain?

no animals have a brain even dinosaurs do

What if the brain did not have neurons?

The brain has two kinds of cells, neurons and glial cells. So if the brain did not have neurons it could still have glial cells, but they have no function in the absence of neurons. You would, in effect, have converted the brain into a tumor. Human beings cannot live without a brain. (Nor any irrational animals) We wouldn't be animals, we would be stupid zombies.

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You cannot. You have only one brain so you can use at most 1 of your brain!

Do both animals and humans have reward centers in the brain?

Both animals and humans do have reward centers in the brain. Both humans and animals feel happy or pleasure when the reward centers of the brain are stimulated.

Why you can removed your brain?

You cannot remove your brain without dying.

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Which animals have magnetite in their brain?


What is different between human and animals brain?

One different is the human have a larger neocortex than a animals.Also,the convolutions resulting in gryi and sulci in the human brain is sometimes not seen in a lower animals or is less complex.

Why are animals able to hear or smell materials that human cannot?

Some animals can hear and small things that people cannot because they have more nerves in their nose and ears, a better structure in more or ear for gathering the sound or smells, and devote more of their brain to the sense of smell or hearing than to people.