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Z means the number of protons in an atom of an element, which is the element's atomic number.

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Q: What does z mean in physics?
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What is Z number in chemistry?

Z is the atomic number in Chemistry and Physics.

What do you mean by physics?

As in science physics.

What are the properties of z in a normal distribution?

Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.

What did z mean in Dragon Ball Z?

they were the Z fighters.

What are scope and excitement of physics?

What does mean to take about the nature and scope of physics

Do the laws of physics imply free will?

If by "the laws of physics" you mean to include quantum mechanics, then yes. If you mean purely Newtonian physics, then they imply the exact opposite.

What do you mean by Z?

Z is the Z-score. See related link.

What does the z in Jay-Z mean?

Jay Z means Jesus in Creole.

What does the z in lolz mean?

more lol in the z

What does 'raz' in raz-kidscom mean?

raz might mean reading levels A to Z r for reading levels a for a to z for z

What does from a to z mean?

What does, from A to Z mean? It means from start to finish. From the beginning to the end. It refers to the English alphabet which starts at A and ends at Z. "We are going to cover your biography from A to Z".

What are the key aspects of quantum physics?

I am around ten and I'm a geek with quantum physics. As of right now, the key factors with quantum physics are the equations and it is not an opinion. The second most important factors is logic. We can't see subatomic particles, but we can see it through mathematics. Those are the key aspects of quantum physics. Good Answer geek: The key aspect of quantum physics is quaternions. Quantum physics is four dimensional physics. Prior physics involved two dimensions, mostly complex mathematics z=a + bi, this could be called parallel physics. Quantum physics involves quaternions a four dimensional physics q= a =bi +cj +dk, this is non parallel or non-commutative physics. For example Z1Z2 = Z2Z1 for two dimensional physics, but Q1Q2 does not equal Q2Q1 for quaternion Physics. This quaternion aspect of Quantum physics is THE key. Another aspect of Quantum Physics that is overlooked is the free space impedance z= 375 Ohms. Not much attention is paid to z but it is a quantum constant, z= W/Q where W is the quantum magnetic charge in Webers and Q is the quantum electric charge in Coulombs. W and Q are make up Planck's Constant h=WQ. W= 500 atto Webers and Q=4/3 atto Coulombs. h=zQ^2. z is the "Aether" Maxwell postulated as necessary to transport electromagnetic waves and M&M did not find. The Fine Structure Constant Alpha = 1/2 (e/Q)^2 = 7.2E-3 where 'e' is the electric charge and Q the quantum charge.