

What animals eat marmots?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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Marmosets get eatin by other monkeys like howler monkeys and more

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Q: What animals eat marmots?
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What grasses do marmots eat?

marmots eat lots of things like grasses

What do marmots eat?

Marmots mainly eat greens and many types of grasses, berries, lichens, mosses, roots, and flowers.

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Mainly frogs, rodents, and lizards, even rabbits or young marmots.

What does a marmot eat?

Marmots eat mostly vegetation and sniff it out with their noses. And sometimes they will whistle about it. Flowers, mosses, grasses, and berries are the preferred diet of marmots.

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Marmots. Prairie dogs and marmots are both types of ground squirrels.

What kinds of animals live in the mountain ranges?

Jaguars, lynx, marmots, bears.

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animals that live on the Tibetan plateau are animals like marmots, Tibet eagles, foxes, etc.

Can marmots swim?

Sure, marmots can swim

What small animals can be found in the Italian alps?

Alpine Marmots. In Italian they are called "marmotta" in German "Murmeltier".

Do marmots live in the grasslands?

Do marmots live in grasslands?

What does a hoary marmot eat?

Hoary marmots live near the tree line on slopes with grasses and forbs to eat. **Hope this helps

What are some animals and plants that live in mount Whitney?

Bears, marmots, mice, squirrels, quail, robins, deer, and blue jays live on Mount Whitney. Campers should take precautions regarding bears and marmots. Marmots will chew through a tent to get to any food they can smell. Food and empty food containers must be stored in bear-proof boxes.