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Q: What effect did the Vietnam War have on US foreign policy?
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What role did the former war in Vietnam play in president clinton's decisions regarding foreign policy?

The Vietnam War influenced Clinton's foreign policy because it served as a lesson. He observed that you should not get involved in the business of warlords without careful consideration.

What effect did the tet offensive have on us war policy in Vietnam?

The government decided to negotiate an end to the war

What effect did the Vietnam war have on policy?

Caution. The US now looked, before it leaped.

Which foreign policy strategy was thought to lessen tensions with the Soviet Union?

Detente is the foreign policy strategy was thought to lessen tension with the Soviet Union. The foreign policy problem that eventually forced Lyndon Johnson out of politics was the Vietnam War.

What is a conclusion i can for an essay about the Vietnam war?

How about: "What values or benefits can be placed on the 58,000 plus American lives lost during the Vietnam war?" or "The protests by young people during the Vietnam War successfully changed U.S. Foreign Policy and ended the war."

How did the Vietnam War influence the foreign policy of Nixon?

President Richard introduced his policy of "vietnamization". The plan was to encourage the South Vietnamese to take more responsibility for fighting the war. It was hoped that this policy would eventually enable the United States to withdraw gradually all their soldiers from Vietnam.

How did cold war policies impact American foreign policy especially during Vietnam and Korea?

Containment. VN & Korea were containment.

How did the Yom Kippur War effect American foreign policy?

It did not have a serious effect on American foreign policy save for strengthening the burgeoning US-Israeli Alliance. It also weakened US influence in the Arab countries which was pretty low already.

Why did some people support the Vietnam war?

Some people supported the Vietnam War because they supported America's resolve not let communism spread. The Cold War policy of America was still in effect during this time.

How was America's involvement in Vietnam a product of the Cold War?

The government policy of containment of communism. It was felt that if a country became communist that the nearby countries would follow. This was called "domino effect" and ruled American foreign policy for 60 years. To some extent it still does,but the players have changed .