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What do I need to know about the US Army's 91B MOS (Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic)? I know I'll talk to a recruiter soon about this particular job so don't tell me that. I'm hoping one of you has personally had that job or knows a lot about it so I know what I could potentially be getting myself into before even seeing my recruiter.

Exactly what will I be trained in?

Is there any likely chance this job could become combat related?

How much of my training will I be able to use once I'm out of the army?

Anything else you think I should know.

I'm not looking to make the army my career and that's why I have chosen this particular job, as it's something I could do with my post army life. I have no desire to see combat, or be deployed anywhere in particular around the world. Also don't post anything from, I've read everything on that website already

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