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Q: What energy conversion is in an electric fire?
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What is the difference between energy conversion that takes place in an electric motor with the conversion that takes place in a generator?

An electric motor converts electric energy to mechanical energy while a generator converts mechanical energy to electric energy.

Which conversion does an electric motor make?

electric energy to mechanical energy

Conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy?

An electric motor does this

What is the energy conversion of a bicycle dynamo?

It converts mechanical energy into electric energy. .

What energy does an electric heater fire converts to?

An electric fire converts electrical energy into electromagnetic energy. In the form of heat and light.

What is an example of conversations or transformation energy?

Electric motor is an example of conversion of energy. Electric generator is another example.

What is A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy is?

That's called an electric motor.

What energy transfers in an electric fire?

heat energy

Why energy conversion takes place in magnetic field?


What are some examples of Energy Conversion?

some of the energy conversion are heat to mechancal, heat, chemical, nuclear and electric and same for all them.

What kind of conversion take place in an electric iron?

I assume you are referring to energy conversions. Well, the whole PURPOSE of an electric iron is to produce heat, and being electric means that it uses electrical energy, so the conversion is, simply, from electrical energy to heat.

What is the energy conversion for an electric bulb?

Electric energy is converted to heat. The heat is then irradiated as electromagnetic waves; mainly heat radiation, i.e., infrared.